
Why this blog?

It is a good question to ask. Just in one word, though there are thousands of reasons for such a blog as this… 

This blog is for liars, failures, vagabonds, outcasts, people in distress, everyone that is in debt, and everyone that is discontented.

If you find yourself in any of the above, welcome on board. You are not alone. We are fellows in the same ship.

About the Author

He was broken not by men but by God, God allowed and He is still allowing men to plow on his back. He is just learning to be human once again after many years of playing God and religion.

He has never arrived neither will he ever arrive. He is still learning and will continue until all the ambiguous things about life are made clear to him….definitely not in this body but in the one to come.

He is neither a "post-modern" nor a "pre-modern" believer. He is just a believer in Christ.

Finally, He is neither against you nor for you but, rest assured that he is also here to learn from you and he has your best interest at heart.