
I have been thinking for a while now
And my thought always catch me smiling at the thoughts of my heart.
Maybe this or that is real; I cannot say.
What really do I have to say about their (it) real existence?
As to what will be my opinion for what man has made about this subject?

I will conjure with my thought;
I will give vent
to what my mind has rent
lest my thought leaves me bent. 

You ask, "What is the subject of your mind?"
"The subject," I say "is nothing but Hades
Where all men are damned to hate
none really love to be found in her abode (Aid)”
But, who give a damn
To how men damn people in their thoughts and actions to Hades. 

Hades; like I was saying looks like a shade
for those who sought comfort while living in ages. 

"Every man must pass through it," says my mind.
"But I dare to disagree with that" says a voice behind me.
It was the voice of this preacher, who preaches about Hades.
"How could he have known my thoughts?"
Oh, I have forgotten that his shadow lives within my shade.
His abode is my conscience; there he made his pulpit.
Pounding his message endlessly through my thoughts.

To the onlookers and passers-by, his teachings have always been the same.
“You are either for Hades or damned to Hades”
“And all men are already damned for Hades”
“Except for few who has been saved”
“From the judgments of ages to come" that has been his messages

I've once thought that he only lives within my shades.
But, I’d found out that in every shadow of men he made his abode
“He’s either excusing you or condemning you” says an old preacher.
To you that he excused, you are safe from Hades
unto you, that he condemned; Hades is not an option but a home….
I mean, a place of dwelling forever…
Where teeth are gnash without an aid
Where men pay for all they have made.

I will digress a little
I will make my point known to those who nibble
Lest my flesh and words become an apple 

(Practically and realistic speaking…)

All men are(were) born in Hades
The agonies and pains that we go through
While plowing and seeking for daily bread
Our unsatisfied desires and hopes
Dreams that seem chattered
A better tomorrow that look alien
Are all as a result of Hades
That our forefathers' ignorance had caused
While eating forbidden fruits in haste
Not willing to accept their shame
When confronted by God in the garden He made
But made excuses for their mistake…..
So is everyone that is born of Eve
Makes excuses for the evil they’d done
Hades is about excuses
for those who accepted not their wrongs
but cleaved to lies that they are okay
Without God in this world…


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