Stop The Hurting!


"I know you are hurting, so am I"
"You feel pains in your legs, I feel it in my hands"
"How can I touch you with my hands that's hurting”
“How will you carry me on your legs that's full of pain"

"Can we please both accept that we are broken, can we accept one another base on love, not minding my screaming or your lamentation?
Maybe we can find healing as you offer me your hands and I do same by giving you my leg."
We don't need much speaking or more elaborated words in this relationship we've been called into. All we’re designed for is for love to find an expression through our lives.

It's hurting, it's painful, it’s hard and it’s dangerous when I expect much from you or I use bible to justify my actions and criticize your inactions.
Life becomes complicated when we can't both see beyond our frailty.
Love has no meaning if it doesn't cover multitude of sins.
When my error and mistake becomes a swing doors, the pedal of a bicycle that you must press on till I do what you want from me.
When pain and fear becomes an instrument of exploiting one another, how then shall we be healed? How shall we realize the beauty that's laid down for us at the Cross?
Shall we put aside our doctrine and teachings?
We are not made for teaching rather, teachings or doctrine are made for us.

Please dear one, it’s hurting when all we talk about is our foolishness, sins, failures, foundational problems and shortcomings.
When will our love for the Lord be made manifest?
When shall we talk about our Father's unfailing love, who has called into a love relationship? When shall we look beyond our mortal body and see that we are His image bearers. We should never forget that we are what we behold. We are called to behold only Christ and nothing else will matters

Oh to be consumed with that heavenly thoughts!
Oh to see love and run after Him!
Oh to let go of this world, this broken world and cling to the unbroken relationship with this great lover of men souls!

Here comes the bell of right and wrong, the smashing of I'm right and you are wrong.
Here comes the rollercoaster, the performance treadmill and the gods of jackpots.
There goes our lengthy talk on who is right, who has better teaching or better dogmas.
There goes our various division over minor issues.
Have we seen where a better doctrine saved anyone?
Can we for once agree that we don't know what's right or wrong for one another even for ourselves?
How can a patient be diagnosing another patient who has different ailment than his?
Let's agree one thing that we know Christ and all other things are just facades.
Let's see to it that all that we are pursuing isn't a better teaching or right thing rather, Christ.
He should be what we are chasing after.

On this adventure of discovering who are Father is
Your way isn't the best way, my way isn't the right way.
Our Father's way is all we need individually.
Our formations are different, our story isn't the same though we have the same destination (if indeed we believe in Him)

No one knows what's right. We are all wrong because we don't even know what's right for ourselves since we are hurting. And the only person that knows best, is someone that's not hurting. And that Person is our Saviour not any man.

Our work is to allow the love by which we've been betrothed to our Lover, to flow out.
We are his beloved in spite of our short-coming and mistakes, despite our failure and unworthiness.
His Love is shed abroad in her heart by the Holy-Ghost.
If all we can do is to love like he loves; it would be an awesome experience!

“So, lay down that sword.
Put away the doctrines
Love a little more
‘Cuz everybody is broken”

Grace and Peace

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