
When day seems far away and the night becomes an unending tunnel. We can only but hope and trust in Him who makes night a brighter day and brings an unending light.

God hasn't called us to understand all that He's doing. He has called us to trust him and grow in full knowledge of him. But sometimes as human, we want the full knowledge before we can trust, we wanna know what's in store for us before we can put our lives on the line.
Hence our passing through the tunnels without a change, because we haven't learned the true meaning of our dark hours.

The challenges of life, the ups and downs that we often find ourselves in. The losses of this or that, the unanswered prayers, the agonies that are associated with being human are what constitute tunnels. There is nothing bad about the tunnels but, we can through our yielding or unyielding attitudes gain bad experiences or the godly ones. The choice lies not in the tunnels rather in how we respond to them.

 God provides comfort, encouragement and help while we are passing through shadows of death, the only thing he doesn't provide is fear. The tunnels are meant to be an avenue to seek him, love him and cherish the relationship we have with him and above all, to live a life of gratitude in which it’s boldly written "Rejoice always".

Many a time, those tunnels that supposed to instill a godly lessons into us become an avenue of stumbling. And God is wise, He keeps bringing the lesson we need to learn to us in diverse ways until we get it. Some will, while some won't. Some will use that period to love and cherish the Lord more while some will become bitter towards what God may be doing in their lives, and others may be chopping for knowledge from one crusade to another retreat seeking for a way of escape.

The whole purpose of our dark hours or tunnels is to make us trust in the Lord better. 
We often think we trust God while we have all we want in life. When life is rosy, when the Lord built hedges of security around us. In such periods we claim superiority or acclaim those to our faithfulness and trust towards God, but when the other side of life hits us, we quickly discover that we aren't trusting God genuinely. 
It becomes clear to us that our trust isn't him though we possessed knowledge about Him but we don't really trust Him. We don't trust His life rather our trust solely lies in what have or have gotten by grace from Him.

The first word to Adam (Mankind) was "Just trust Me and eat from the tree of life".  As you trust Me and have My life, you will get to have knowledge of good and evil.  But, man always want knowledge over life. Some can even be extreme in taken another man's life because of disagreement over knowledge.

Hence our chopping for knowledge day in and day out. "Those who knows their God" the angel declared "shall be strong and do exploit" he concluded. The word "know" means "those who have intimacy or deep relationship with their God" not those who have head knowledge. It is the same word that is use when a man have a sexual-intercourse with his wife, it is also the same word that is used when Christ declared “I never knew…..”

The Angel continued "many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase but the increment in knowledge will lead to "love of many waxing cold because many are chopping for knowledge not relationship, not the Love of Christ" he concluded.

Genesis 3 isn't a “myth” now, though it might have been an allegory before. It's putting on fleshy body and the serpent is actually tempting many to go for Knowledge rather than Life... Which will you rather choose, the Life of the Creator or the knowledge about him? The Choice is always yours!

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