Are You Blessed?


How do we get blessed as believers?

By working hard” some will say, while others will say by “tithing or practicing giving and in return people will now give to you...”

All the above sound pretty fact, the first one (hard working) is really on point.

Here is the shocking truth...

Firstly, we are already blessed not in ourselves but in Christ... “In Him dwell all the blessing (all the fullness of God and all the promises of God are yes and amen in Christ)”
Secondly, we don't get blessed by giving or tithing to one figure head or something....

Okay, don’t grumble.
Let me explain myself.
Calm down.
It’s not that hard to understand!!

 I'm not giving because I want to be blessed... 

Giving in order to be blessed is a wrong motivation.

I know those who have bought into that but, they’re never blessed.
They still remain poor till date.
1.       Since I'm already blessed, I dish out that blessing to my brothers and sisters, to the poor, to the widows, to the fatherless and strangers because they can't repay me (not that I’m looking forward for them to repay me).

They desperately need food, clothing, shelter and all the basic things of life.

2.       Since I'm blessed, my motivation is not "because I want to be blessed" rather "because I am beloved of the Lord, and I'm doing what Love ought to be doing".

 There are times I choose not to give and there are times I give without thinking about it but, it’s all because the Lord prompts me.

3.       Since I'm blessed, my gospel is not for the rich because I’m not looking for their hot-cakes....


Many of us preach to the rich, tell them things appealing to their egoism.
We neglect the poor, the widows, the fatherless and strangers because they have nothing to offer us.
We preach to the rich men/women to syphon their money into our pockets...
It’s all about money not their souls...

Although we still get their monies after much of whining and cajoling.
Nonetheless, we abandon the poor when the monies finally arrived.

We feed our monuments and use the rest of the spoils to the glory of ourselves.
Our messages are not good news to the poor. We tell them they need to get more money, and they need more wealth because, they are not giving or tithing enough.
In fact the little they (the poor) have, we manipulate and place them under condemnations in order to get it out of their hands.

We put them under the bondages and heavy burdens which Christ did not put on them, whereas we are not touching such heavy loads.
We’ve forgotten that revival didn't happen in the chambers of the rich rather in the upper-room of the poor.


Another recent message of our time is “7Mountains, the Christian Dominionism” over all the sectors in the nations/world...

But in reality, the mountain we suppose to conquer is the Mountain of The Poor!
Bringing the gospel to them because it’s their right!!!

We've bought into that lie that the “seven (7) mountains are the answers”. This is why many are cutting corners to get there...It doesn't matter the name given to those corners.
The truth still remain the Truth, we are not called to become "Governor Herod or King Agrippa" of our day...

We are called to be the Bride of Christ!
Our “belovedness” as the bride of Christ can only be seen when we love one another with a genuine Love not the mouth talks!! (More on 7 Mountains and Christian Dominionism in due time)

So, in all sincerity, I'm not against your getting rich...

Yea! I'm not but, if your riches does not extend to the poor so that you become one with them, your riches are not toward God but yourself!

If we must at all take the gospel to the poor, the needy, the fatherless, the strangers and the widows, there is only one way to that....

Our doors MUST be flung open for the poor...
We must not only visit them, we must invite them to our homes.

The problem why some of us cannot do that is because:

We are too religious and over-protective in our cocoon!

Some of us think the poor will infect us with their diseases or whatever (we’ve forgotten that, we also are full of such diseases. In fact, in a higher level), in essence we’ve created first class, second class, third class among the Lord’s sheep.

In the name of health or “unequally yoke” (which we have quoted out of context), we've separated ourselves from them in everything. 

Check your local assembly on Sunday for confirmations! 

But, come to think of it…

The Blood that washes you from your sins, is it a special blood of Jesus Christ?
Is it not the same blood that cleansed you (no matter your status--- I don’t mind if you are a Bishop or an Apostle; I don’t care if you were born with silvers spoon or whatever spoon) that also cleansed the lepers, poor, blinds, widows and the fatherless that put their trust in Jesus Christ? Or is there any special blood of Jesus Christ involved?”

Let that be resounding in your heart...

So, the way to blessing is first rooted in “knowing whom you have believed”.
If you are on this journey; one constant thing is that, in all your hard working, you will know that all that you get or have are not really for you but, for the poor, needy, fatherless and widows.
It’s all for your brethren….

“He that stole (including those who plunders the widows' and poor's house), let him (them) steal no more but let him (them) work with his (their) hands so that he (they) may have something to give to those in need”

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