This isn't a letter but nonetheless you can call it a letter to devastating young men/women who has been trying to work in the miraculous.

My reply to a brother:

Note: There is nothing wrong with Fasting!

I know how many years you've labored, prayed and seek for a way out. You've "believed" in that statement of Christ that says "these signs shall follow them that believes". It's also to my understanding how you've been told that you need to do this or that, pay for this or for that. I know there is a Prize (not Prizes) attached to God's counsel and purpose. 

If you are to be sincere, you know those things called Prizes hasn't work out for you. You might have experienced it once in a gathering, meeting, or in a building called church. But the truth remains that such things isn't a continuous things in your life. It happens today and gone tomorrow. It’s like a man that's hungry and saw himself in a dream eating, then woke up to realized that it was all but a dream and the hunger still remain with him.

I shall in no wise crucify you like many might have done in telling you that "you don't have Faith or your faith is little" (You don’t need big faith, all you need is a grain of mustard seed faith... have you seen one before? Tiny than the rice seed). I'm sure you have that faith. God has given you a measure of faith.

Maybe those who often say that are just trying to be Jesus whom they are not. One thing I shall tell you is that, no matter how you have viewed it or reasoned it, there is one thing that you haven't been told. That one thing is:

"You cannot do the miraculous"

So, give up the ghost!

No amount of prayers or piercing of your flesh can or will make you walk in the miraculous. All these things may look good on the surface, may sound spiritual or you may have heard from someone of “how a brother prayed for 10 years, or a sister fasted for 40-days or more to start performing miracles blah blah blah…”

Be sure, you've been told to fast like Moses, Elijah or Jesus Christ himself but how is that coming or going for you? Be sincere, I know it hasn't work a dime for you.

Give them up again...

The examples (I'm referring to the names mentioned) above were actually quoted out of context.
Moses didn't plan for 40 days fasting, Elijah wasn't calculating how he wanted to fast, Jesus, our savior didn't also plan for that. What is the common ground for all these fasting?

Moses was invited into God presence, and in God's presence 40 days are like a minutes. Moses didn't know that he has spent up to that rather, the people did. If God invites you like He did for Moses, to hell with food. (See Exodus 34)

Elijah was moved by the power of God after he has been fed for some period of time in the wilderness by the Angel. So, God supplied the need of Elijah before he embarked on that journey. If God do that for you today literally, I’m sure you can go for years without food...He is God! (See 1 king 19)

Jesus our Lord, was also driven to wilderness by the Spirit not because of power. Please note: He wasn't in the wilderness to receive power as some has taught! The wilderness was a place of test of what he possessed! (See Matthew 4:1)

All this men were not fasting to receive power rather, the fasting was as a result of God invitation. The power was already made available to them.

Let me ask you a question: how many years of fasting did Elisha went through to receive the double portions of Elijah? What of Joshua? What of disciples including Paul? You know the answer...the answer is zero!  

"And you shall receive power after you have fasted" I guess that's the scripture we are quoting this day


"..This kind thing can go except through prayer and fasting"...the question I wanna ask is, what was Christ referring to? "The power to cast out that spirit of lunatic" or "the important of killing your doubt or unbelief". (See Matthew 17:1-end for context sake)

I will leave the question for you to answer

Get me also right, the book of Act of Apostles was/is a story about a new born baby (Ecclesia) trying to find her feet on planet earth NOT a book of doctrines!! So, don't make it a doctrinal book like many has done!

There is a Prize

Surely, you need to pay a prize and that prize is giving up the ghost! 
Whatever things will lead you to give up the ghost worth the prize. 

To understand the bible, you need to give up the ghost...which is "I give up trying to understand the bible"
To live a Christian's life, you must give up the ghost, no one has ever lived that life before
To live a victorious life, you need to give up the ghost..."I can't live a victorious life"
To walk in miraculous, you need to give up the ghost... "I can't work the miraculous".
All other things you think you can...give them up because you can't.


He can...
He can live the Christian's life.
He is the Christian's life
He is the Miraculous
He is the Victor (Victory)
He is the Word

If you can trust Him, If you can be His disciple (not marking attendance in meetings or performing all those religious acrobatics exercises we called spirituality), if you can fix your eyes on Him. Then, the miraculous and all other things will come.

Dear friend, if any man tells you there is a short-cut to that, you may well bear with him/her.

But one thing is sure "no one wanna hear how prayerful or "fastful" (if there is any English word like that, but you get the gist?you are" that often results in mental gymnastics, emotional high-jumps and condemnation rather “people wanna hear about Christ and His complete work for them"

Before I wrap up my letter to you, I know you must have thought I will give you a list of what you ought to do, prayer points and all those carnal rules (or principles). 

I'm sincerely sorry that my response may not be what you bargained for.
I hope you will understand this truth and trust your Savior more and more.
Should you wanna fast, fast to kill you doubt, your unbelief and flesh. 
Fast to kill all that will not allow you to see Christ and His work in your life.

Don't fast to motivate God to do something......You will be greatly disappointed!

Don't fast to receive power. It won't come!!
You already have the power because you have Christ but how is that Christ increasing in you? With more of Him, with Increase of Him there is less and less of you. The more of Christ you have the more power will be manifested!

In conclusion, you may have to fail hundreds of times before you realized this simple but profound truth. I'm sure you will understand it one day.
I shall address in my next letter to you the missing "ingredient" why the miraculous seems to elude us in this time we are in though, the miraculous is made available to us by/in Christ.
Grace and Peace
Your brother in Christ

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