The Unknown Man...


When a man knows whom he has believed;
He doesn't rant about with those who are trying to keep their systems/doctrines/empires in place.
He sounds controversial, he is misunderstood, and he questions what he hears, even the next preacher preaching at him.

He loves wilderness, he hates Babylon and her children in various quarters.
When you see one, you would say to him "You are beside yourself" or "Too much of learning has made you mad" or you could be so extreme and say "You are possess by demons".

When he leaves a place, you will sure know that he has gone.
His movements cannot be orchestrated or monitored.
He is like a wind that cannot be directed by men.

Truly, he is always beside himself not because he wanted to, but because of what he has seen and still seeing.
You may have known him to be someone else in his early stage in life, but now he sounds so strange to you. In reality you've never know him.

His strangeness is not of his love for men; sinners or saints, nor of his sense of humors to those who take the pain to listen to him.
His strangeness is in the message he carries and in whom he has seen.

Sometimes or many times, he sounds somehow heretic in his words to his listeners who has been fed with strange teachings and have believed in a lie.
Yet, he speaks the truth.

He is afraid of none than his Master.
He will rather prefer Hell than a congregation of "liars"
Because in Hell, people don't pretend, they know they need a Savior.
Should he mistakenly find himself in the congregation of "liars"
He will suffer because truth will not be spoken or truth will be spoken in lies.

Though he may have many flaws, judging by morality
Yet, he is not without God's moral
His morality is in whom he has believed.

He's a stranger to his "mother's children".
For he carries not of their bloodline rather of another, The Highest Order.

He suffers pains, he is buffeted by the devil and men.
Often he asks and cries "why me Lord?"
At other time, he asks for his life to be taken.
He has no pleasure in the things of this world.

His goal is not to be rich or famous
All he ever wanted is to be like His Master and to be Him.
He is not move by anything
But, he uses everything to make ways for the move of His Master.

Word fails me to describe this unknown man.
When you see one, you may not know,
Because he's nothing to be desire by men.
Even his own brethren persecute him, how much more you the stranger.

You may recognize this man by looking at his message, words, who and what he always talk about.
For he has no message for you than;

"Repent for Christ loves you or perish for running away from love"


 "Your need to reduce, and the need for Christ to increase"


"Give up the ghost".

 All his message is wrap up in and around “The King and His Kingdom

He's apt, sharp and straight in His word.
He is no respecter of a person just like his Master.
He has nothing to offer you than his Master.

His encouragements and exhortations are nothing but your need to "give up trying to be something, and embrace Christ and his Kingdom".

Since he has no agenda of his own, he gather none around himself.
He's neither for you nor against you.
He requests not for your pay cheque,
He does he have any interest in your wealth or riches.

He desires not for your pot of soup
He desires you to be you
Yea, to be whom you are created to be, and that's nothing but Christ.

When you see such a man like this, embrace him even if it hurts to hear what he has to say.
I'm sure he will be a blessing to you.

The strange thing about this kind of men is that they are not found on the Pew/pulpit, they are found without the camp where God is building His Kingdom.

Dedicated to those unknown faces who has been a blessing to me in many ways.
Great strength and ability to continue to push forward in the Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Grace and Peace.

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