Spirit And Truth Worship Pt. 1


"The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship"

It doesn't take a minute for a believer to be labeled or given a title base on how he/she is view or what such person share or reveal. This has been the danger and peril of 21st century believers, it is a syndrome that's called "too much, too soon". A brother or sister is just getting into knowing the Lord and because of the gifts he/she manifest; titles or offices are erected for him/her. It will soon be that after he/she begins to wallow in such a mentality, the focus is shift from pursuing Christ to the gifts.

While Jesus was trying to point out the issue in this woman's life, she was busy finding a name for Jesus instead of addressing the issues in her life. Then, she brought in the issue of worship and mountains or sects or group because there is no way of having a name without a worship center.
We could recall from the Genesis chapter 11 of how men were trying to make a name for themselves thereby building a tower that could reach to heaven (figuratively) by which every other mortal can worship and pay reverence to them.

It's not far fetch from our generation to quickly identify someone to a building or a group and begin to say "oh, I see that you're from that group" because what people are being fed with is nothing but religion on daily basis and it always have to do with on which mountains to worship? Which sects is the best? Is it called out(s) or denominations? Should we meet under one roof or have elaborate building well-furnished or should we meet under the tree, in a big city or a local town?

On and on the questions go as regards to where to worship, whereas God isn't particular if you meet anywhere, he's more particular with who is doing the worship and is it done in spirit and truth?

While we can keep arguing and debating on which best church to go (If there is anything like that), should we be “called out” or “called In”, should we be denomination or interdenominational, which singer or gospel artist should we follow and listen to, should we do rock and roll or go for slow pace songs that’s called “worship”?

God calls us into a relationship with himself and ask us to stop jumping from one mountain to another. For we are indeed too busy finding something to amuse our curiosity and lack of satisfaction that we often find in the baseless things of all.

As we read the story above, do we realized why Jesus was so particular about the "husband" of this woman despite her having many other sins/vices to be addressed? Why not mention something aside from her having many husbands?

Maybe the story here is to show to us as believers about how we've married to many things, many husbands that are not even ours. Yet, we plunge under their coverings, depending on them for the living water, hoping that they can make us better whereas the one husband we need that will give us the living water has been so abandoned by us. Not only abandoned, but things has been done in His name which has no link to him and yet we attribute both our knowledge of good and evil to him when he has nothing to do with them

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