NOTE: Mischief Mode Activated!

Be Warned!! People that often read this gets really angry and makes some nastic comments.

Here is my thoughts and meditation on some seemly obvious evil days/festivals.... 

Let's start from Known (I will mention few and then wrap it up with some paragraphs....)

1. Xmas: you all know that Christ wasn't born in December...the shepherds and their sheep won't be in the field in the winter.... So, where did it comes from? I guess you know where it came from..

2. Easter: y'all also know that, that was actual a pagan's day. Yea, a day dedicated to worship of Ishtar- the queen of heaven. She has many names....

3. Good Friday and Good Sunday (is it Easter Friday and Sunday?): If Christ actually died on Friday, his resurrection should be on Monday morning not Sunday morning... "The Son of man will spend three days and nights" that was Christ prophesy concerning himself.

Let's count:
Friday night,
Saturday night,
Sunday night = three (3) nights
So, Monday morning which is the third day would the perfect day for his resurrection… do the math.

4. Sunday Worship: was/is actually a day dedicated to the worship of sun-gods, that's why that day is named after the sun-gods. The original Sabbath is on Saturday. Dare you not say because Christ resurrected on Sunday according to your calculation which is also wrong, that’s why you worship on Sunday… that was not the day!

5. “Church”... Or “Going to Church”... From the original manuscript, there was nothing like Church.
Yea, hold on. I will explain how we get into that name. This is one reason I use "Churchianity" often to refer to a religion secret cults!

So, church was a word coined by King James (you remember your KJV?) for his own self-centeredness because he didn't want to come under the ruler-ship of Roman-catholic. Do a little bit research.... I won’t give you the full story about that.

The original word is Ecclesia/ekklesia meaning Assembly or Congregation not Church!!! (Psalms uses that very well)… Perhaps, if that word didn't exist we won’t have “Church” like we are having it in every corner of the streets with their loud speakers that gives none rest!

Try to call yourself an Assembly or a congregation…how does it sound? Awkward? Yes I know. That’s a word for y’all that’s calling yourself “I’m the church not the building”. I guess you don’t understand that neither.

6. The Calendar: Yea, that Sunday through Monday calendar we are using to calculate our days and years...It has its origin in Paganism. Oh! You don't know? Do some digging folks.

Let me stop that list for now...

It’s easy to criticize and judge those (I mean believers) who are celebrating Xmas because some of us know that it’s a day dedicated in the past to the worship of a demi-gods. We can sometimes say to them "You are worshiping another gods" because they are celebrating a day which they call "Christ birth".

If I’m lying, check your attitude towards those who celebrates Christ in these days…..

We can quickly point fingers on Easter, Good Friday and the Easter Sunday because we know that they were days set apart for those mini-gods in the past then later converted to Christianity...
 But why is it that we don’t point fingers to those other things like “Sunday Worship, The Calendar, Church and the host of others?” You know why? Because we feel what we know is the standard!

But let us be sincere here, have you ever seen a Child of God that opens his mouth and says "This day, I want to worship Ishtar or sun-gods?"... I guess you will say no and yet, we quickly condemned those believers because they set apart a day for their Lord to remember His birth, death and resurrection?

I also know some y’all celebrate your birthdays even if you happened to be born during the period of “Halloween or those semi-gods festivals”. Don’t deny it!

I know you will quote “holy communions is what Christ says we should do in remembrance of him”. Yes, you are right and you are also dead wrong! Because the pictures some of us have about holy-communion is totally erroneous!

Have you all forgotten?

 "He that observe a day observe it to the Lord?”  (See Rom 14:1-End)

If my brothers or my sisters, either knowing or not knowingly, decide to celebrate his Savior on a particular day, do I dare condemn him even it happens to be the day that Satan is being worship? Or do I begin to judge his motives for doing such?

Idol is nothing

The only failure I've seeing in all this religious brouhaha is “we are trying to build Ecclesia/ekklesia instead of “disciplining” people”.

When you disciple people you don’t tell them how they ought to live their life neither do you control what they do or not, because that’s Churchianity. Rather, you show them Jesus who is the Truth and then allow them to trust their lives totally to him.

But this day, since we are doing church, we tell you which videos you should watch and should not watch, song you should listen to, places you should go and not go and so on but all these things show our failures. It is a system of laws and controls!!!

Get off from that train now!!!

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